Tuesday, June 3, 2008


In today's lesson I have completed designing my poster for the awards night:

We also sorted out the groups that we are in for the production of our radio advert according to the pitch. I am working in a group with Emma Hale and Luci Kernot. We have already researched the cost of hiring a studio for recording purposes, as well as acquiring a list of radio stations which are regularly available for advertisement recording purposes.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Awards Location Recce

Today we went down to the Hawth and had a look at the location in which we shall be hosting our awards ceremony. The technician showed us the space which we will be using on the night itself. The show will run 7:00pm til 8:30pm June 23rd. We will be able to get into the space at 6pm to commence setting up the stage area, audience seating, lighting, audio and other technical elements such as the projector (which will be setup in a cradle above the audience).

As part of my role as Stage Manager, it is important that I noted the dimensions of the the stage area

I found out that the stage area is 10 metres by 6metres. However when we position the movable curtain so that the stage is split into a front-stage section measuring 4.75 metres by 10 metres and a back-stage section measuring 1.25 metres by 10 metres.

Tomorrow I will need to discuss some issues with Sharron who is also a Stage Manager, such as the stage layout, entrances/exits, access from audience to stage etc.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Requirements of the Brief

We have been set the task of producing 2 advertisements for the awards show that we will be running on 23/06/08. One of these advertisements is to be a poster which we must produce individually, and a group produced advertisement.

For the group produced advertisement, we can pick one of the following formats:

• A Radio advert
• An audio visual Web advert
• A Leaflet or printed advertorial

After first choosing our preferred format of advertisement, we must then get started on the pre-production work for both sections of this task.

These should include (where relevant):

  • Treatment
  • Production Schedule
  • Timeline
  • Production / Blog Diary
  • Meeting Notes
  • Story-boards
  • Layout Designs
  • Justification of Management Role

After my Group (Luke, Bobby & I) has reached a conclusion on which format our group advertisement will be, we can get started on the pre-production work.

Today’s Blog Diary

Today we discussed which advertising medium we should use for our group produced advertisement. We decided to embark on producing a radio advertisement. We will split and discuss the pre-production work next week, as well as allocating group roles. For the remainder of today’s lesson I will be working on the treatment and rough draft of my poster.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Event & Award Poster Examples

This poster for the CULA Festival is, in my opinion, is the best stylised event poster that I found. The look and feel of this advertising conforms to the very modern-bohemian styling which has proven to be very popular at the moment. The text of the poster has been layered with various images of trees and music related photos to give an environmental yet cool feel to the poster. The use of contrasting colours (black, white and pink) not only gives the poster a stylistic identity, but it helps the poster stand out and be noticed. The audience that this poster is addressing is skaters and miscellaneous American music lovers as not only is the festival in America, but the event also encompasses a Skate Expo & Workshops amongst other mini-events. The poster includes full info on the Time, the location, the bands who are playing there, and contact details for the ordering of tickets in the form of a web-address. This is clearly shown as as 3 day event with two different locations. This poster is well layed-out and thoroughly thought through.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Awards & Events Research

In our first lesson for this task, we are focussing on the analysis of the style of advertising for existing awards ceremonies and annual events. The two I have decided to look at in more detail are The NME Awards and The MOBOs.

Firstly, the advertising for the NME awards is used mainly in the NME magazine, the NME Web-site and on CDs (i.e. Winner of the Best Live Act award etc.).
The style used for the NME awards is based on the visual style of the magazine from which it originates (i.e. use of lots of Reds and Blacks). They have a reputation for bringing the best new bands to the forefront of public-knowledge, and as such the target audience is anyone interested in up-and-coming, non-commercial bands. The details given were the date of the one-day event, as well as ticket availability. Now that the event has come to pass, the web-site has details of the award winners and runners-up.

Secondly, the web-site for the MOBO awards. This site looks quite stylistically similar to the NME Awards web-site, except the colours used are mainly blues, greens and greys. The page setup is also differently, with a large section at the top of the page devoted to the event’s date and location being announced very soon. The target audience is people who enjoy music of Black origin. This is a one-day awards ceremony.